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Understanding The 13th Amendment

Some people likely believe that the Emancipation Proclamation ended slavery in the U.S. Others likely believe that the 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution officially ended slavery. Learning details of the 13th Amendment provides an understanding of the history and reasoning leading up to the passage of the amendment. It also clarifies how the 13th... Read More

When Coffee Was Once Rationed

Do you enjoy that first cup of coffee in the morning? Do you look forward to the rich aroma and taste of your favorite coffee during your mid-morning break? During one period in history, people did not have the luxury of enjoying coffee whenever they liked. In fact, coffee rationing became the norm for people... Read More

Moammar Gadaffi-The Longest Serving African Leader

Moammar Gaddafi rose from his humble beginnings to a reputation as a ruthless leader. While ruling Libya for four decades, Gaddafi punished resistance with torture and death. As the longest-serving African leader, Gaddafi’s grandiose opinion of himself, along with unpredictable behaviors, led some people to consider him as emotionally unstable. Learn about the dictator’s rise... Read More

Where Did Political Terms Come From?

When thinking of politics in the United States, most people likely have some familiarity with political terms and symbolic labels. Political terms and labels are not new. Politicians, citizens, and the media periodically use political terms and labels that sometimes date back to early American History. Discover the origins of some of the popular political... Read More

The First Presidential Speech Aired On T.V.

Today, it is not unusual for the President of the United States to make televised speeches. However, the President did not always give speeches or address the nation on television. Learn details about the first presidential speech, who made the speech and what the President of the United States spoke about when he addressed U.S.... Read More

Six Inventions That Changed History

Inventions created throughout history made life easier for people, ushered in new technology, and sometimes made life more fun, such as when Richard Jones invented the Slinky. Some inventions were short-lived while others changed the world. Life-Changing Inventions These six inventions are some of the ones that changed history. 1. The Telegraph When Samuel Morse... Read More